Eng 101 -Rasmi
Thursday, 5. September 2002
Definitions *

Unfamiliar words:

"id" - the part of psyche in psychoanalytic theory that
is completely unconcious and concerned with
instinctual needs and drives.

"perambulate" - to travel over esp. by foot.

"gimpily" - crippled/lame

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Key words and synonyms

-From "The Courage of Turtles"-
List of Key Words with their synonyms:

water (aqua)
amicably (friendly)
delight (joy)
forlornly (sadly)
entombed (bury)
stagnant (motionless)
magnificent (majestic)
rapidity (speed)
captives (prisoners)
timid (fearful)
fearless (brave)
heroic (fearless)
drift (float)
vivacious (sprightly)
sad (unhappy)
flee (run)
crushed (smashed)
mournful (sorrowful)
rescue (save)
rugged (harsh)
Unfamiliar words:

"id" - the part of psyche in psychoanalytic theory that is completely unconcious and concerned with instinctual needs and drives.
"perambulate" - to travel over esp. by foot.

"gimpily" - crippled/lame

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Aren't I a Woman?- sojourner truth

"Aren't I a Woman?" - Sojourner Truth...

Do you think that there would have been less effect if the essay excluded the occasional descriptive narration in closed brackets by Frances D. Gage?

5 themes:


Idea for research :
Narratives of Sojourner Truth (her memoirs)

Idea for final project:
Pictures or names of the followers of Truth.

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