Eng 101 -Rasmi
Hi, and welcome to my weblog. Under the theme 'Questions', are all the questions and assignments that I have answered...and "Reflections" are my thoughts and ideas on a particular subject... um..thats about it...I'm not very organized with this web-page.... :)
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October 2024
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Interview with a turtle. Rasmi,
ENG 101. Hoagland- The courage of turtles. (This is a...
by rasmi (11/14/02, 8:29 PM)
Quotes The first law of
ecology is that everything is realted to everything else -Barry...
by rasmi (10/31/02, 8:01 PM)
Plan of Action for Profile...
I hope to interview a pet-shop owner, or go on...
by rasmi (10/31/02, 3:16 PM)
Allegory of the Cave/Burl's ENG
101 10/22/2002 Rasmi Sporny Burl's Question: Do you think that...
by rasmi (10/18/02, 10:37 PM)
Portrait of a real world/only
1 life ENG 101 10/24/2002 Rasmi Sporny Portrait of an...
by rasmi (10/18/02, 10:36 PM)
The Wound in the Face
The Wound in the Face Question: Carter writes, " Nevertheless,...
by rasmi (10/10/02, 3:30 AM)
just walk on by...the prince...turtle
ENG 101 Rasmi Sporny 10/8/2002 Just Walk on By: Black...
by rasmi (10/8/02, 6:32 AM)
reader-response log. "Most of
the painted turtles of Mud Pond, who had been inaccessible as...
by rasmi (10/1/02, 2:27 AM)
About Men/ Work, Labor and
Play ENG 101 10/1/2002 Rasmi Sporny About Men. Question: Do...
by rasmi (9/30/02, 9:23 PM)
ref. prt2- edited version The
Cruel Cruel World When I was little, I was facinated...
by rasmi (9/24/02, 2:33 AM)
road warrior ENG 101 Rasmi
Sporny ....................................................................... Road Warrior Question: If you were to give...
by rasmi (9/18/02, 10:10 PM)
'two voice' poems man
vs turtle 19/9/2002 ENG 101 Rasmiliya Sporny Two Voice Poem man...
by rasmi (9/18/02, 10:08 PM)
no man is an island/
The necessary enemy No Man is an Island Question: Do...
by rasmi (9/17/02, 4:11 PM)
the totally edited version--
When I was about eleven years old, I remember watching a...
by rasmi (9/12/02, 1:56 PM)
"Remembered Event" It was a
hot summer afternoon in Louisiana and the sun was scorching...
by rasmi (9/11/02, 11:55 PM)
Possibilities for writing 9/3/02 Rasmiliya
Sporny ENG 101 Question: Think of a species of animal...
by rasmi (9/10/02, 5:50 PM)
Aren't I a Woman?-
sojourner truth "Aren't I a Woman?" - Sojourner Truth... Do you...
by rasmi (9/9/02, 11:21 PM)
themes & ideas/ fave. sentence
Essay of my choice "The Courage of Turtles" -Edward Hoagland...
by rasmi (9/6/02, 12:04 AM)
Definitions * Unfamiliar words:
"id" - the part of psyche in psychoanalytic theory that is...
by rasmi (9/5/02, 1:55 AM)
Key words and synonyms -From
"The Courage of Turtles"- List of Key Words with their...
by rasmi (9/5/02, 1:51 AM)
Questions This is for the
Assignment due-Thursday Initially, I chose "Beauty: When the Other Dancer...
by rasmi (9/3/02, 3:58 PM)

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